Wednesday, December 31, 2008


It is amazing to me that in 13 hours and 45 mins it is going to be 2009. Another year has passed and what lies ahead is a brand new year. Like a fresh covering of snow unmarred by footprints and snow angels, this new year is pure.

As I look back over 2008 it is easy to focus on the challenges, as there were many for my family. However, the blessings were so much greater. I said goodbye to one of my children, but peace was restored to our family. I lost half of my income, but God has provided in such a way that the loss hasn't really been felt. My son went through some trauma and I couldn't be with him, but God was with him and everything turned out well.

I feel as though I have learned so much this past year. Mainly, I have learned to totally depend on God again. I feel as though God has brought me back to the basics. Learning to completely depend on Him and just being grateful for being His child. I'm in a good place.

2009 will bring it's share of heartache, I'm sure. However, I am also sure that the blessings will far outweigh the heartache. As His child I am secure in the fact that nothing is wasted in God's economy. There are lessons to be learned, memories to be banked, laughter to spare, and blessings to share. I'm excited to see what this year has to offer. I'm eager to see where God leads me and prepared to walk down whatever path He sets in front of me. I am making no resolutions as I believe those are meant to be broken. However, I am making a committment to the Lord.

Thank you Lord for a turbulent year. Although I would have never asked to go through some of things my family has been through, I wouldn't change it for the world. You are such an awesome God and I praise you for the storms!


Anonymous said...

you should join me in Storm Stories it is going to be incredible and such an encouragement for all..just click the pic on my blog and let Noreaster know you want to be part of it...

as for getting back to basics..I am so there with you girl!!

love you sweetie! happy new year!!

Tanya said...

It is funny how we look at negative as being bad. But if we look deeper, it is only good and makes us stronger. God bless you and I am looking forward to 2009 also. Love ya.

Susan said...

I love the getting back to basics. That is kind of what I feel like this year wqas like for me. Just learning again how to love my Lord.

Happy New Year and I look forward to what God has in store for all of us.

Susan said...

I love the getting back to basics. That is kind of what I feel like this year wqas like for me. Just learning again how to love my Lord.

Happy New Year and I look forward to what God has in store for all of us.

Carol said...

Heather, you are a winner! You have your focus in the right place, and you understand the purpose of the storms of make us more in the image of Christ. Totally surrendered to God, no matter what, is where you are standing...right in the center of His will. And you are right...He has some great things in store for you in 2009...things that will far outweigh the negatives of life! Journey on, my friend, and enjoy basking in His presence daily as you travel down through this year. Could this be THE year? God only knows!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. Thank you for your prayers!
I pray that you will be blessed in this new year.
Peter J. Olson

Indian Lake Papa said...

2009 - here we come - ready or not! lOL

Robin said...

Great post... it's good to reflect on the year gone by and submit the new year to the Lord.

Pray for me as I have much learning to do...

I'm enjoying my new little treasure who is in my arms as I type. She is such a blessing and I'm so thankful for her!

Nana C said...

Heather, when I was reading your post and then the comments, the same theme is in them all, the surrender that your friend Carol speaks of is so real, when we surrender and thank God ahead of time, WOW we get the best kickback from those days when we persevere, but doing those days would be not possible without His love. Miss you Love Nana C

rk said...

Prayers and well wishes for you and yours in '09!
